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Understanding The TOG rating

Understanding The TOG rating
Baby sleep wear Bamboo bamboo sleep bag bamboo sleep sack Canadian children's apparel children's clothing brand comfortable sleep infant sleep bag infant sleep sack infant sleep wear safe sleep Sleep Bag Sleep Sack thermal overall grade toddler sleep bag toddler sleep sack TOG TOG rating wearable blanket

We have all heard of it, but what on earth is it?  The Thermal Overall Grade (TOG) is a rating system for warmth and is used to calculate how fabric uses heat.  The most common TOG ratings are 0.5, 1.0 and 2.5, though you could sometimes find the less common options of 1.5 and 2.0.  Choosing the right TOG rating depends on the temperature of the environment in which the product will be used.  Here are some examples of TOG ratings and the recommended ideal temperature of the room the product will be used in:


  • 5 TOG – A 0.5 TOG rated garment would be ideal for room temperatures ranging anywhere from 23 – 26 degrees Celsius.
  • 0 TOG – A 1.0 TOG rated garment would be ideal for room temperatures ranging anywhere from 21 – 23 degrees Celsius.
  • 5 TOG – A 2.5 TOG rated garment would be ideal for room temperatures ranging anywhere from 16 – 20 degrees Celsius.


It is important that you choose the appropriate TOG rating based on the temperature of your environment.  Selecting the correct TOG rating will help prevent your baby from overheating, and alternatively, keeping their little bodies at a warm, comfortable temperature so everyone can have a good night’s sleep.


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